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Soul Engineering 
Soul Path & 
Soul Health 

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Soul Engineering

Personal Sessions

Personal Sessions

The only program with transformative 1:1 individual sessions with Rackhee to release what’s keeping you stuck in your health, wealth, career, personal relationships or any other area of your life. This program is designed to cater to the unique needs of every individual.


Learn more about the SoulWork™ Program


A holistic program that seeks to work with those struggling to conceive and those already pregnant. BURP - Bringing Up Relaxed Parents - is a unique course created by Rackhee with the best tools that assisted her in conceiving both her children effortlessly, having smooth pregnancies and leading to healthy home-births for both.


Through BURP™, you will be empowered with various tools to have a smooth pregnancy and delivery by creating a sanctuary within the womb.


Get in touch for a detailed program description.

Divine Female Awakening
Divine Feminine Awakening

Divine Feminine Awakening is a unique program exclusively for women. It is designed to access suppressed and repressed facets of your personality to enable you to flourish into your authentic self.


Through DFA you will harness your Divine Feminine, anchor yourself in your inner power and embrace your authentic self. 

Get in touch for a detailed program description.

Client Reviews
5 failed IVF's & 3 miscarriages later,
I conceived naturally
Quit my stressful job & followed my passion as a singer
I overcame my lack of confidence & got into Harvard Business School!
Years of backpain gone & got into the dentistry program of my choice
I got the promotion & job offer that I believed was totally out of my reach!
Free of my lifelong fear of abandonment & depression

Soul Path


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Cosmic Light Healing

Cosmic Light Healing heals at a cellular level. Past memories, trauma, old beliefs and experiences are stored as energy trapped within the cells.


As human cells regenerate, they do so with all that is trapped within. This is the reason for recurrence of most afflictions of the mind and body. Depression, anxiety, cancer; all that plagues humanity is the result of the cellular structure, within which all information is stored.


Cosmic Light Healing works with the frequency of Light. It is the highest vibration of light consciousness there is. Light penetrates everything, especially water. The human body is made up of water and crystalline structure. This liquid, crystalline structure is deeply influenced by light.


Therefore, when Cosmic Light Healing penetrates through the body and enters every cell and fibre of your being, it transforms the liquid crystalline structure itself. Replacing all old impressions, all dis-ease causing impressions with life transforming Cosmic Light. This Cosmic Light is pure, subtle, conscious, all-knowing Light. Therefore, healing takes place spontaneously.


Reiki has been a life transforming foundation in my journey as a seeker. Today, as an oracle & intuitive healer, Reiki continues to guide me every breath of the way.


Do you catch yourself wondering - Is this all there is to life? What is life really about? What is my real purpose here?


If you yearn to go deeper, explore more, heal yourself, discover your life purpose, follow your soul path unravel the mysteries of your existence and more, Reiki may be the path for you.


Read about my Reiki journey here to gain a deeper insight to my teaching philosophy.



Client Reviews


Graphic Designer

After having multiple miscarriages and failed IUI’s & IVF's, I enrolled for the BURP Program for conception and pregnancy. The shadow of fear I carried around me was replaced by hope. Then I learned Cosmic Light Healingand few weeks after the course, I was overjoyed to get my big fat positive.  If you are on the path of parenthood there's no better person than Rackhee, take my word for it! 


Finance Professional

I enrolled for the SoulWork Intensive Program and by week 4,

I had an offer for the job I wanted with the salary I wanted!  Several recruiters had previously told me I would not be able to get the package I got. Rackhee helped me identify and release lifelong limiting beliefs about my abilities, my worthiness, and my physical body. The results in my life were like magic. She has taught me a skill that continues to transform my life, and helps me manifest my wants in more ways than I ever imagined. I cannot thank Rackhee enough. If you ever have the opportunity to work with Rackhee, grab it with both hands!

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Thagyu & Jaya
Marketing Professionals

Our marriage was irreconcilable when we approached Rackhee independently in 2016 and enrolled for her SoulWork Program. After rigorous inner work & what felt like going through fire back then, we got back together in 2019. We are now expecting a baby in a few months & we want to thank you for everything you have done for us Rackhee.



One day my periods suddenly stopped completely. Nothing seemed to be wrong medically but something was still not right. We did a combination of the SoulWork and Divine Feminine Awakening Program. I was surprised to discover how disappointed I was in my profession and romantic relationship and that it was disrupting the normal function of my body. Before we finished the 12 week programs, my period returned! Today I’m happily married, enjoying a new career and have never missed a period since 2015.

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Soul Health


Womb Blessing® 

The Womb Blessing was brought to the world through Miranda Gray. She explains that it brings healing not only to our physical body but also to each phase of our menstrual cycle.


Many women are often disconnected from various aspects of themselves due to their conditioning, upbringing, to social pressures and expectations, and due to life experiences. Some women identify with one or more of these aspects (referred to as archetypes) while others remain supressed or repressed. As a result, women lose their wholeness and authenticity, becoming a version that is more acceptable to the world they live in but less true to their own essence. This causes a loss of with the Divine Feminine or the in sacredness of the shakti aspect of themselves.


The Womb Blessing initiates a reconnection with the self, allowing these suppressed parts of a woman to re-awaken and bring her back to wholeness and her full potential and power.


NAET®  or Namburdipad’s Allergy Elimination Technique is a path breaking drug-free methodology for freeing you of your allergies. It combines the wisdom of allopathy, homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Applied Kinesiology. Be it a food or environmental allergy, this pain-free, medicine free treatment has allowed many thousands of patients across the world to live a healthy, happy, allergy free life while eating the food and living in the environment that once caused even severe allergies.


Get in touch to find out about Clinic timings to heal your allergies now.

Cosmic Light Healing

CLH is a divinely gifted high frequency energy healing for earth and humanity. This method of healing works at the level of the light body. Healing the individual with the frequency of light, it assists those on their path of evolution and self-actualisation. As you receive Cosmic Light Healing™, this unique vibration prepares the body to assimilate higher frequencies as we rise to a higher dimension of consciousness, while dissolving unhealed parts that no longer serve you.

Four times a year we offer Free Cosmic Light Healing™ for which you are welcome to register. Get in touch to book an individual Cosmic Light Healing session, and receive CLH™ for your personal healing and advancement.


Reiki heals by dealing with the root cause rather than the symptom that is presenting itself. Deep seated emotions, events or memories that may lie at the heart of a situation or health problem presenting itself in your life are often revealed and begin to heal when you seek Reiki for your healing.

Bach Flower Remedy

Bach Flower Therapy is a system of natural healing using 38 basic flower essences. Developed by Dr. Edward Bach in 1930's, a conventional medical practitioner turned herbalist; he took to nature to find the answer to all that afflicted mankind. 


Working on the emotional root cause and personality type, these gentle essences support us through difficult emotional times, physical ailments and tough phases in life. Bach is equally effective and harmless for newborns and adults.


Read more to gain a further understanding about Bach Flower Therapy.

Client Reviews

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Fashion Stylist

In 2017 when I went to Rackhee for a Womb Blessing, I had 17 cysts. My periods had also been irregular for many years. 3 months after receiving the Womb Blessing, I was shocked to find out that only 4 of the 17 cysts were left and today, I have ZERO cysts. My periods have also been regular since then. Thank you Rackhee!



After 2 unsuccessful attempts at the Solicitor's Exam, I enrolled for the SoulWork Program. Rackhee. Not only did I clear the exam & become a Solicitor, but I am also now a partner at a prestigious Law firm in Mumbai. Thank you Rackhee!


Army Officer

After years of separation, I did not know if my broken marriage could be fixed. After 8 SoulWork sessions, my wife & I have reunited & are a happy family once again. Apart from fixing my family issues, you have fixed me as a person. It is a total system reboot that you have done for me. Ma’am thank you so much for everything. Thank you for giving me a new me.

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I wanted to do my LL.M at the best university in USA, but was not confident about getting in. I enrolled for Divine Feminine Awakening Program and discovered I had a disempowering belief about achieving better. After completing the program, I secured admission into my first choice of university- Stanford Law School! I never dreamt I could make it there. In fact, I was not even thinking of applying.If you are unable to fulfil your dreams, I highly recommend Rackhee’s programs.

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